Jacopo Pasotti



I am a multi-award environment, science, social and travel reporter and photographer. My sights spread from Antarctica to the North Pole, with everything in between.
I am a professional science and environment communicator supporting institutions in improving their communication.
And I am book writer, too. Read more about myself below, or enjoy the navigation.

I studied earth sciences, focussing my attention on landforms, and how they change and impact on our societies. This brought me to Israel to study desertification through extensive use of aerial photographs; to Roumania, where I studied glacial landforms; to Belgium, where I was pioneering the use of geographical information systems for soil erosion; to Switzerland, where I studied earthquake hazards; and to the Italian Alps, where I was mapping landslides.
Moving from country to country and from subject to subject, learning mapping techniques and use of satellite and aerial photographs, reflects my deep approach to life and profession: striving for a broad perspective and a multi-cultural sensibility.
Year 2004 I had the chance to attend to a Master Course in Science Communication and Journalism in Canberra, at the Australian National University.
Since then, I am a professional environmental and science journalist, photographer, and communicator.

I was on assignment in Antarctica for National Geographic, to the North Pole for the Italian Touring Club Magazine, and to the spectacular cave of giant crystals in Naica, Mexico, for GEO magazine.
I have built an expertise for environmental, trevelling, geographical reporting all around the world, including remote regions in Karakorum, the Amazon, and Madagascar.

My contributions appeared on magazines and newspapers in Italy (GEO, National Geographic, Wired, Espresso, Repubblica, Quitouring, Il Sole 24 Ore), Switzerland (Tages Anzeiger, Corriere del Ticino, Les Temps, Wochenzeitung), Australia (Cosmos), Germany (Die Zeit, GEO, Deutsche Welle), El Pais (Spain), US (Science, The Huffington Post), UK (BBC) and more.

I am texts-author of the coloring book: "Treasured Alps, Threatened Alps" (Schwabe 2017).
I am author of the popular science book: "La Scienza in Valigia" (Codice 2016) and: "La Scienza in Vetta" (Codice 2015). The books have been published in German language (Atlantik verlag).
I am author of kids' book "Domitilla, Sos Operazione Terra ", (Scienzaexpress, 2012).

Mountain and coastal populations, ecology, biology, earth science, nature conservation and novel research are a focus in my work. I support scientific organizations in the development of communication strategies and tools, I lecture in science communication and dealing with the media (ETH Zurich; University of Zurich, IIT Genua). I develop projects in various science communication fields (science events, science cafes, public lectures) and write science stories and expedition reportages for the media.

What I Do

Based in Basel

Instagram, Twitter @jacopaso