This is part of two journeys in the Arctic Scandinavia, in Norway, Sweden, Finland. Here I talked to Sami people, scientists, activists and experts, asking their views on how to adapt on climate and social changes. I also made an investigation on scientific studies about nordic aboriginal people of Europe and their adaptation to climate change, perceptions on policies.

Contrary to the mainstream narratives, the Sami do not like to see themselves as the first victims of climate change. Rather, they claim that they have abilities to cope with the unpredictability of nature and feel having the skills to adapt to changes. They say that they are a resistant people and that they have acquired the ability to move and be flexible, essential for adaptation. The major obstacle to putting their skills into practice is not the weather, but politics.

Published on El Pais, National Geographic (Italy), L’Espresso (Italy, pictures Steve Morgan).

Year 2016.

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